Second update from Russia / Siberia

This is the beginning of my fourth week in Russia, and my third week in Siberia. I have been travelling thousands of kilometers by train, and air. It took 40 hours from Omsk to Irkutsk on 23/24th January. Before anyone thinks I did it for the sheer punishment, the fact is that internal flights in Russia are irregular and expensive. To do the same trip by air would have cost about 600 dollars and would have been routed back through Moscow, making it a long and expensive flight. The train itself cost 200 dollars, which the Church here paid for.

The Churches are vibrant and full of hungry Christians eager to know more about the Lord and His Word. On some of the meetings there has been a fragrant spirit of revelation and a sense of God’s powerful moving. On some occasions I have felt drained and a little dry, in need of spiritual refreshment. The Lord is faithful and His friendship so matchless and sustaining. The days are spent with groups of 30-40 ministers or Bible students, sharing truths from Galatians, Romans, the work of the Holy Spirit and life in Christ. There are always special moments during these series when hearts grow still and there is a deep work done in many lives. It is very humbling to be a part of this great work even if it is for such a short time. Thanks to all who pray.

The weather has been mild this week around minus seven, but things are set to get colder this week as we travel again another 12 hours from Kansk to Bratsk on Sunday afternoon 6th Feb. Larry Hill will join me there for two weeks and will take a big load of the ministry. That will be a special treat.

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