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The Genesis Code - Notes « English « Downloads

Date postedSeptember 3, 2013
Downloaded4767 times
CategoriesEnglish, PDF, The Genesis Code


The Old Testament is a book written in three levels, the first is a narrative account the history of the human race and then of Israel. The second direct specific prophecies of the future. The third is written in code language, outlining the life, death and resurrection of the Messiah. All three are remarkable and supernatural in their depth and scope.

1. The historical books are accurate and though they have been often disputed by skeptics throughout history, yet again and again, their accuracy has been proven correct by archaeology. Skepticism is in itself a terrible way to approach life and is based on unbelief. Thorough examination of the Bible is commended and for the believer his or her faith will be confirmed. However the amazing facts of history seldom convert the skeptic.

2. The prophetic voice of the Old Testament is also remarkable, and there are countless prophecies that have been fulfilled in astonishing detail. Daniel prophesied that Messiah would be cut off, but not for Himself in 29 AD which is the exact year of the crucifixion. He prophesied the sudden rise and fall of Alexander the Great. Daniel said that when he died, his empire would be divided into four parts and none would go to a son and heir. Alexander’s empire was divided by four of his generals.

3. The code language of the Old Testament is in itself a great proof of the prophetic power and scope of the Old Testament, since by its own very nature, it was not and could not have been understood by those who wrote them. Each one created a piece of a jig saw puzzle without ever seeing how they fitted together or seeing the whole picture.

By these three means the Bible comes to us in powerful and confirming form. It is the supernatural message of the Creator to His beloved human race. The study of the Old Testament is to hear God speak and confirm our faith in the midst of a skeptical generation.