Update from Russia
I have been in Russia now for a week, having had a wonderful week of ministry with a precious Church in Sochi on the Black Sea.
Each day I sat with the leaders for a few hours and we shared around the scriptures. I have hardly ever seen such hunger to go deeper with God and such spiritual honesty and humility. Moreover these are mature men who have been leaders for many years.
Then in the evenings I shared the word with a congregation of several hundred, who wept and rejoiced and responded as the word was preached. My translator there was a close friend called Nick Markin who put all his heart into the matter. It was a great time and as often happens they have begged for another longer visit as soon as possible.
I flew last night (Sunday 16th Jan) from Sochi to Omsk via Moscow. Sochi was plus 10 degrees, while Omsk is minus 20. The brothers here all say it is so mild!!! I arrived and went straight into teaching a group of about 25 believers in a Bible school here. It is so inspiring to be with them and to share for a week about the life of Jesus. On Friday we take the trans Siberian railway east to Irkutsk, a journey which will take about 40 hours.
God is doing a great work in Russia.